Floor Academy - Helping flooring, tile and stone contractors own an asset
Floor Academy is a podcast hosted by Kyle Hedin that provides small business information and guidance to flooring, tile and stone contractors on how to build a successful and sustainable business. The podcast aims to help contractors move from owning a job to owning an asset, by providing insights and strategies related to management, entrepreneurship, and networking.
Floor Academy covers a range of topics related to flooring, tile and stone business management, including small business advertising, paid traffic, and organic traffic. The podcast also provides information on promotional marketing, LLC setup, simple small business management, and networking strategies.
The podcast aims to help carpet, tile, stone, hardwood, floating floor, and many more types of contractors develop a deep understanding of business management, including effective networking and entrepreneurship strategies, which are crucial to achieving long-term success in the flooring industry. By discussing various topics related to small business management, such as finance, operations, marketing, sales, human resources, branding, advertising, interviewing, taxes, company structures, and more the podcast provides valuable insights to help flooring, tile and stone contractors become successful business owners by answering the question how do i market my small business.
Floor Academy - Helping flooring, tile and stone contractors own an asset
Lead Management and Rehash - JR Pentolino - Design Windows and Doors
I called back my client twice and texted them but they didn't respond. I think I am going to move on. This is what I do and it's a horrible way to run your small business. I know this is what a lot of you do. How many leads were not ready to close yet, how many leads needed a little more info they never got, how many leads can't find your info 12 months later when they are ready. Not everyone wants to buy right NOW!
JR Pentolino owns and operates Design Windows and Doors in Ontario, CA. With 21 employees he is not only the visionary behind the company at this point but also the sales manager. On track to do 5 million in revenue this year with a goal of 6 million, it's no small operation anymore. JR has found a passion for lead management and knows how important it is to the success of his business.
Listen in to this week's episode of the Floor Academy Podcast as we discuss what a buying cycle looks like, why you need clients on a drip campaign, and how to rehash leads from the "dead". All of these tools will help your top line revenue grow and keep your schedule filled up. Don't miss your opportunity to set your business apart from the competition.
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