Floor Academy - Helping flooring, tile and stone contractors own an asset
Floor Academy is a podcast hosted by Kyle Hedin that provides small business information and guidance to flooring, tile and stone contractors on how to build a successful and sustainable business. The podcast aims to help contractors move from owning a job to owning an asset, by providing insights and strategies related to management, entrepreneurship, and networking.
Floor Academy covers a range of topics related to flooring, tile and stone business management, including small business advertising, paid traffic, and organic traffic. The podcast also provides information on promotional marketing, LLC setup, simple small business management, and networking strategies.
The podcast aims to help carpet, tile, stone, hardwood, floating floor, and many more types of contractors develop a deep understanding of business management, including effective networking and entrepreneurship strategies, which are crucial to achieving long-term success in the flooring industry. By discussing various topics related to small business management, such as finance, operations, marketing, sales, human resources, branding, advertising, interviewing, taxes, company structures, and more the podcast provides valuable insights to help flooring, tile and stone contractors become successful business owners by answering the question how do i market my small business.
Floor Academy - Helping flooring, tile and stone contractors own an asset
Defining Your Personal Identity - Ron Nash - Laticrete
I heard a curious thing. Apparently is is a western civilization thing answer the question of "who are you" by listing out your job or something else that you do. Much of the world would start that off by saying I am the son or daughter of so and so. This led me to think about personal identity and especially as a business owner how it can affect us. From wanting to control everything, to advertising everywhere you go, and a company that always needs something, it's hard not to identify as the thing you are always doing. Is that healthy though?
Returning friend of the show, Ron Nash, is a husband, father, botanist, artist, photographer, dog trainer, mentor, teacher, avid reader and, oh yeah, the president of Laticrete North America. There is no shortage of things I have witnessed Ron take on over the years through his social media profiles. Some of it is for personal pleasure and some of it is for work but all of it brings him contentment.
Listen in to this week's episode of the Floor Academy Podcast while we discuss why there needs to be an off switch on your work identity, how important it is to have something to do besides work, and why you can never stop learning or growing as a human.
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