Floor Academy - Helping flooring, tile and stone contractors own an asset

Midlife Crisis or Sabbatical? - Kevin Vogel - Reach Social

Kyle Hedin - Speaker, Mastermind Facilitator, Writer, Content Creator, Business Therapist, and Contractor Season 5 Episode 48

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The American dream is to make a name for yourself and to be able to take care of yourself and your family above a reasonable means. We have celebrities from all walks of life that we put in a limelight because they are making that dream happen. The advent of social media and short form media has brought on an entirely new segment of these celebrities that come and go as quickly as you can watch their videos. So...what is it that we really want? What is actually important and how do we get it?

Kevin Vogel, has been in the flooring industry for over 30 years. Working for carpet mills in his early days as a regional manager, he moved his way up the corporate ladder by playing the game correctly. Switching between companies and market segments always paid off as his skillset grew. There was even a family in there that got attention. Perhaps the world knew Kevin's timing and Covid intersected with him starting what he has called his sabbatical. Maybe it was a mid life crisis though. What happens when you step back from chasing a title, dollar amount, that shiny thing, or whatever material possession you have your eyes set on, and actually assess who you are, what you are, and where you want to go?

Listen in to this week's episode of the Floor Academy Podcast as Kevin and I discuss what stories we are telling ourselves. Life can be very rewarding when you have the right perspective and goals, but sometimes we let outside influences get in the way. Find your way along with us.

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